As I said in my preface, I've always felt that we all have feet of clay. But the willingness of the Conservative and political evangelical movement to endorse a person who refuses even to acknowledge the flawed morality of his action and moreover, that the movement itself refuses to object to that flawed morality or chastise the actors reinforces everything Henry Richard Niebuhr said about the institutional Church. What must it do to save itself? But these folks persist in justifying this outrage by its hoped-for ends.
I would not give it the benefit of publicity, except for the recent blog from one of this evangelical group (sorry I lost the link, but see the one above in a similar vein) that stated that POTUS remains their hope for achieving imposition of their version of religious morality on America. (I expect like every one else who touches POTUS, they too will be betrayed.) The POTUS endorsement of Scaramucci goes directly to the heart of the core morality of the self-labeled conservative religious right leadership. They reveal their willingness to ignore its connection to them in order to achieve their dogmatic ends and validate the behavior.
In my mind, the absence of a condemnation of the language and renouncing Scaramucci as representative of their religious faith is prima facia evidence of how far the political religious right has sunk from a Christian ethos into its own Machiavellian plotting. This seems to be the behavior they expect of their children, I guess.
And then this week the POTUS appeared before newly graduated police in New York encouraging these new officers to rough up arrested persons. Not only does this reflect a complete disdain for the bedrock principle of our Constitution that a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of doubt, it sounds tragically like President Duterte of the Philippines who has encouraging police to summarily execute hundreds of suspected drug dealers on the street. Is this the American justice we want, and Christians to endorse?
It is fairly clear that at best the POTUS and his communications director have an amoral value system focussed on personal power, bearing an uncomfortable similarity to President Duterte of The Philippines. So, to Franklin Graham, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, James Robison, and the collection of conservative Catholics, Tony Perkins, and all the rest who champion strong families and Christian values, where do you stand on these displays of compassion and respect for the value of the human person by POTUS and his handpicked communications director, Scaramucci?
Do you "religious leaders" hold up POTUS and his communications director as symbols of the Church in society, or as the antithesis of the Church?
I hope you understand my answer rhetorically. If not watch for my next post.
Note added late 7/31/17: Surprise, surprise, POTUS dismissed Mr. Scaramucci today, but as yet, POTUIS has not expressed a reason for the firing, nor addressed Mr. Scaramucci's behavior. A NYT article quoting sources said POTUS' daughter and husband pushed for Mr. Scaramucci and POTUS was very pleased with the language used as noted above. Life imitating art, I imagine.
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