The Narrow Gate

Welcome to the continuation of my blog, post-seminary. Ministry and evangelism have brought me back home to Chattanooga. I welcome your company on my journey.

The original blog, Down In Mississippi, shared stories from 2008 and 2009 of the hope and determination of people in the face of disaster wrought by the hurricanes Rita and Katrina in 2005, of work done primarily by volunteers from churches across America and with financial support of many aid agencies and private donations and the Church. My Mississippi posts really ended with the post of August 16, 2009. Much work, especially for the neediest, remained undone after the denominational church pulled out. Such is the nature of institutions. The world still needs your hands for a hand up. I commend to you my seven stories, Down in Mississippi I -VII, at the bottom of this page and the blog posts. They describe an experience of grace.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Day 1432 - A Reflection on the presidential election

We have a new President-elect. People have voted, in my perspective not on the basis of what is good or wrong in the global perspective, or even on the basis of reason, but on what is presumed "right" in one's immediate best interests on the basis of emotion. If ever the ideas expressed in the post on Day 1287 are pertinent, it is now.

The people have made a minority choice and it is an informative exercise to review what conclusions the bare minority of electorate affirms by their vote. These are inescapable tenets of this selected man that the electorate has affirmed:

1. To lie, regardless of the magnitude of the lie, is worth repeating until the people believe.

2. Women are objects to be used for gratification.

3. There is no right or wrong save the circumstances of the moment.

4. Anything one can do, regardless of the consequences of those who may be involved, is acceptable and worthy.

5. Marriage is only a legal vehicle, and if the road changes it is perfectly acceptable to go down another road of alliance even before legal remedies such as divorce are followed.

6. Every thing one does should reflect the stature, ego and grandeur of Me.

7. I, above all persons, know what is best for all and what is best for all is what fills my coffers with money.

8. Anything I do is justified by the end.

9. My only interest is my bottom line.

10. Do not think before speaking or tweeting, (or using the nuclear codes?).

I can only voice two rhetorical questions, belatedly after the fact, 

"Is this who we really want to be our president?  - The person to stand before the world and to say, 'This I believe?'" 

"Is this what we really believe on a personal basis is the model for our sons and daughters?"

I cannot accept that the people have made an informed choice and rather, we should be humble in the face of all our own shortcoming and affirm the answer is "no" to both questions as the majority of those who voted have done.

Grace and peace.

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