The Narrow Gate

Welcome to the continuation of my blog, post-seminary. Ministry and evangelism have brought me back home to Chattanooga. I welcome your company on my journey.

The original blog, Down In Mississippi, shared stories from 2008 and 2009 of the hope and determination of people in the face of disaster wrought by the hurricanes Rita and Katrina in 2005, of work done primarily by volunteers from churches across America and with financial support of many aid agencies and private donations and the Church. My Mississippi posts really ended with the post of August 16, 2009. Much work, especially for the neediest, remained undone after the denominational church pulled out. Such is the nature of institutions. The world still needs your hands for a hand up. I commend to you my seven stories, Down in Mississippi I -VII, at the bottom of this page and the blog posts. They describe an experience of grace.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 62 - A Children's Sermon on Job and Vocation

Jesus loves me – why does Jesus want the children to come to him?  If we take the verses and put them in ordinary English we have:

“I know that Jesus loves me because the bible tells me that we are weak and he is strong and he says he wants the children to come to him.”

I asked you once if you remembered your baptism. If you grew up in this church you may not because you probably were baptized when you were a really little child.  When you were baptized I told you everybody in the church was asked if they would promise always be like Jesus and love you and do everything they can to be sure you grow up remembering Jesus loves you. They all said yes they would.

Now, here is a surprise. Did you know that as far as Jesus is concerned all those adults, me, your parents, all the adults who were in that church when you were baptized, no matter how old they are, are still children of God because God made us. We are all God’s children. We are always growing up to be stronger and better followers of Jesus.

That makes that promise by all those adults to love you and do everything to be sure you grow up knowing Jesus loves you so important. We may be business people, nurses, doctors, salesmen, school teachers, scientists, race car drivers, you name it, but all those things are the different jobs we do. But everyone who believes in Jesus knows He calls us to do another very special job, and it is the same job for everyone. It is the job we promised you when you were baptized.

That job is to love all God’s children and do everything we can to be sure all of them grow up to better follower of Jesus just like the song says. That is really our biggest and most important job; and remember as you grow it will become your job too.

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